
7 May 2016

Virtual Reality in Social Interactions

Virtual reality will connect people and take socialisation to a whole new level.

Smart software and sensors are designed to enable detection of facial expressions and motion when one is using VR technology. The parties involved would be able to feel the realistic existence of the other person. This would allow people to make friends easier, keep in touch with loved ones, maintain long distance relationships and even hang out with friends. Communication would become much more convenient and internet trolls can be avoided.

Social VR would make the impossible possible as you and your friends will be able to play games that are not possible in reality such as competing with one another using sci-fi weapons and re-spawning immediately after being “killed”. This would allow one to share interesting moments, experiences and adventures with friends.

Vtime, a VR social network allows its users to use 3D avatars to chat in virtual locations. Dating apps such as Happn and Tinder pair up people according to their location and it connects people who have crossed paths in reality.
Scientists predict that by 2040 the data transfer speed would become so fast that VR dating would become possible. Our five senses would be analysed and transferred by the computer system which allows couples to be able to meet face-to-face in the comfort of their own homes. They would be able to smell, touch and hug each other or even share the taste of food whilst the partner is not physically there.

Technology will have the ability to help decide who is compatible with you, helps you make long term life decisions such as when to get married and have children all based on your personal data stored on the technology. All these future advancements would help save time and allow efficient communication between people.

Author: Jenny Huang

1.   eHarmony Future of Dating report 2014 - eHarmony Dating Advice Site. 2016. eHarmony Future of Dating report 2014 - eHarmony Dating Advice Site. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 April 2016]
2.   Tinder adds job information to dating profiles - Telegraph. 2016. Tinder adds job information to dating profiles - Telegraph. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 April 2016].
3.   Why Virtual Reality Technology Will Blow Your Mind in 5 Years. 2016. Why Virtual Reality Technology Will Blow Your Mind in 5 Years. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 April 2016].
4.   vTime: First ever mobile virtual reality social network to launch in November [Video]. 2016. vTime: First ever mobile virtual reality social network to launch in November [Video]. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 April 2016].

    1 comment:

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