
7 May 2016

Background of the Virtual Reality Survey

Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. 

This survey has been drawn up in order to investigate and analyse the general public's interest, knowledge and awareness of virtual reality as well as people's views on the current virtual reality technology that has recently been released. if the majority of people are interested in using virtual reality, what could make them interested and to what extent people feel willing and ready to operate in daily life with virtual reality, such as in transportation. 
The purpose of gathering results of whether they would operate with virtual reality in daily life is to find out to what extent the population will go in trusting virtual reality. this will be done by allowing the public to choose which modes of transport they are willing to allow virtual reality to operate in. ranging from something less dangerous such as on a boat to something highly dangerous such as an aeroplane. Another purpose of this survey is to analyse which age group the general public believes would use virtual reality the most. The reason for this was to get a general outline on the target market of virtual reality and to see who the public thought this new technology would suit best. The survey will also analyze which industry the public believes would benefit mostly from virtual reality. The purpose of this is to compare where people believe this technology would be most suited to where it is actually most successful. The survey will also be conducted in order to find which company has the most accessibility to customers. The purpose of this is to see which company will most likely be most successful in the virtual reality industry based on the results. 

The survey will be conducted using the website survey monkey. Group members will share the link to this survey through social media platforms such as WhatsApp or Facebook. This way a variety of different individuals will be able to fill in the survey leading to different results. Once the survey has been conducted the information from the survey will be analysed and used to draw conclusions about the topic as well as provide statistics.

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